Back to the Office reminders 

Back to the Office reminders 

As we transition to general community quarantine (GCQ) and gradually reopen our offices, SGV has issued the following guidelines to ensure the health and wellbeing of staff during the pandemic.  

SGV Health and Location Tracker 

All SGV partners and staff are required to report their health status and work location on a daily basis (excluding personal and rest days) via the SGV Health and Work Location Tracker. All are required to accomplish the form at the start of each working day, whether working from home or reporting physically to SGV or a client’s office.  

Those who have been approved by their Partners-in-charge (PICs) to report to SGV or a client’s office (including meetings outside the office and meetings with government agencies) should fill out the form upon entering their work location and indicate their temperature reading as captured by the security or health officer at the entrance to the premises. Those who are working from home are not required to indicate their temperature. 

Compliance will be monitored and those who fail to accomplish the form will be called for disciplinary action classified under offenses against security, safety and public order. All the information requested in the form will be regarded as private and confidential in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its implementing rules and regulations. 

Flexible Time Schedule (FlexTime) 

The SGV Talent Team has also implemented the FlexTime schedule which is an arrangement where employees are required to complete the standard work hours (9.5 hours, including 1.5-hour lunch break) in the office but are free to determine their arrival and departure time. This schedule will take effect upon the reopening of our offices and is subject to the approval of one’s manager and Partner-in-charge (PIC). Adopting an intermittent routine to fulfill the 8 working hours in a day is not allowed. As our business hinges on our service to clients, we must be available during the Firm’s core working hours and continue delivering exceptional client service.  

The SGV Talent Team would also like to remind all of the Flexible Attire policy aimed to balance professionalism and comfort. Below are the only acceptable office attires for men and women inside the SGV offices:  


Everyone is encouraged to remain vigilant and follow the health and safety precautions advised by the World Health Organization and the SGV Talent Team. For more COVID-19 related advisories and updates, please visit the SGV COVID-19 Information Hub

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